RACE UPDATE: UTA, Kuranda Train Race, Great ocean road marathon
What a week-end of racing!!!! 16 Hungry Runners on a Start line!!!

The results are marked as 41 (20), 40 is the overall ranking, 20 in the Category ranking!
UTA was a very cold day for our NQLDers, everyone did amazing!
Details about the race: https://www.ultratrailaustralia.com.au/
UTA 100km Results:
Daniel: 12hr02, 41 (20)
Raphael: 18hr45, 754 (78)
Peter: The fitness and the mind were there! NQLD drinking habits got him to drink too much, very unlucky! Your determination is an inspiration to all of us, this won't stop you!
UTA 50km Results

Glenn: 5hr49, 60 (15)
Dane: 6hr13, 110 (36)
Mick: 6hr16, 120 (8)
Adrian: 6hr32, 182 (11)
Maddy: 6hr47, 252(50)
Ben: 6hr50, 272 (89)
Mark: 8hr30, 962 (243)
Liz: 9hr53, 1427 (557)
Aaron: 11hr20, 1670 (174)
Eva: 12hr41, 1777 (190)
We had 2 runners at the train race! Cairns to Kuranda.
Race details: https://cairns2kurandatrainrace.com.au/
James: 1hr43, 12 (6)
Michelle: 2hr13, 42 (4)
Clint ran the Great Ocean road Marathon, it is a 44km road race with 450m elevation gain!!!
Race details: https://greatoceanroadrunfest.com.au/
Clint finished 10th in the amazing time of 3hr05:56!!!!
