2024 Gold Coast marathon, Adelaide Ultra, Restonica Ultra by UTMB
2024 Gold Coast marathon, Adelaide Ultra, Restonica Ultra by UTMB.
Hungry Runners results.

Results, Virtual race 2 & 3
With some delay, the results for virtual race 2 & 3! To read more about the series: HERE Next virtual race is planned for August +...

Paluma trail run 2021
2021 Paluma trail run results

Blackall 100 & Cambridge half
Blackall 100 & Cambridge half

Race Results: Outer Limits Pallarenda
Outer Limits Pallarenda trail run results! Another great running event held in Townsville

Townsville VIRTUAL RACE 3: Sprint trail run
Townsville VIRTUAL RACE 3: Sprint trail run results

Mackay Mountain (make that - Magic) Marathon
25k that ends up being 28 incorporating less than 2k of bitumen, rugged 4WD bush track, flowy rainforest single trail, shade the whole...

Race Update: Guzzler, Weipa run fest, TSV run fest
Two big weeks of running for the Hungry Runners! From a 35min 10km road run to a 22hr ultra trail efforts, this team does it all!

RACE Update: REstonica Ultra, King and Queen of the hill, Sail and Trail, Fig Tree H-M, 3M3D
We had a hilly week end of racing, Luke on a Ultra distance in the French island of Corsica and some Hungry Runners on our favourite...

Race update: Gold Coast Virtual race
Virtual GC Marathon held in Townsville